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Profiting from injustice: challenging the investment arbitration industry
Corporations have been granted the exclusive right to sue states (states cannot sue corporations) at secretive international tribunals for action deemed to unfairly affect investors’ profits
Wisconsin group asks Obama to nix Pacific free trade agreement
A Wisconsin advocacy group says the state has lost thousands of jobs due to free trade agreements and is now pressuring President Obama to oppose a new agreement that would take down trade barriers between the United States and countries around the Pacific Rim.
Excessive corporate rights in Canada-EU trade deal are unacceptable to broad section of European, Canadian and Quebec society
Labour, environmental, Indigenous, women’s, academic, health sector and fair trade organizations from Europe, Canada and Quebec representing more than 65 million people are demanding that Canada and the EU stop negotiating an excessive and controversial investor rights chapter in the proposed Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).
Importations controversées - La CP attaque l’accord libre-échange UE/Maroc en portant en justice Idyl
Le Sahara occidental n’est pas le Maroc. Aussi, l’accord de libre-échange entre le Maroc et l’Union européenne n’a pas à être étendu au Sahara occidental même si le royaume du Maroc s’arroge un droit de souveraineté. C’est la faille de cet accord, mis en œuvre depuis le 1er novembre 2012, qu’exploite la Confédération paysanne pour le dénoncer une nouvelle fois.
Commission defends privileged access for big business in court
In an oral hearing at the EU’s General Court in Luxembourg on Friday, 11 January 2013, the EU Commission defended its practice of sharing sensitive information with big business lobby groups while withholding the same information from the general public.
FTA between India and EU : Meet insists on informed consent
A public discussion on the Free Trade Agreement between India and the European Union held today at Waiton Community hall in Manipur insisted that the matter should be deliberated thoroughly at the Parliament and State Assemblies and prior informed consent of the public should be obtained before signing the agreement.
First Nations seek to hold up ratification of Canada-China foreign investment treaty
First Nations groups have added their voices to opposition to Canada’s planned foreign investment agreement with China, notifying the Harper government they are going to court in an attempt to hold up ratification of the controversial treaty.
European Commission taken to court over India-EU trade pact
The European Commission is set to appear before an EU Court on Friday, over access to information regarding negotiations on the EU-India Free Trade Agreement.
’TPP’ keyword in cyber-attack? / Culprit appears to have searched for term-specific information
A cyber-attacker suspected of stealing more than 3,000 documents from Japan’s Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry looked for specific information through a keyword search, according to government sources.
Farmers against Indo-EU FTA
Objecting to Indo-EU Free Trade Agreement which has been signed between Government of India and European Union in 2009, farmers in Manipur have decided to prevent implementation of the agreement and sent a memorandum to Central Government in this regard after a consultative meeting on Monday.
Commission in court over privileged access for business in EU-India free trade talks
The EU’s General Court has announced a date for the hearing for Corporate Europe Observatory’s legal action, suing the EU Commission for withholding information related to the EU’s free trade talks with India. The Commission is accused of discriminating in favour of corporate lobby groups and of violating the EU’s transparency rules.
Policing of TPP protest was provocative and plain stupid
With tensions running high after the refusal of TPP organisers to accept the 750,000 international petition against the negotiations the police action added insult to injury.
Protests turn violent at trade talks in New Zealand
A protest aimed at disrupting Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade talks in New Zealand turned violent as demonstrators attacked security forces, police said.
Activists stage TPP boxing match
Activist group Aotearoa is Not for Sale Wellington staged a symbolic boxing match protesting the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement today.
Anniversary of the Seattle WTO protests
Today I noticed an article about an "American" company that is suing Canada for an alleged World Trade Organization (WTO) violation.
Opponents rally against Pacific-wide free trade pact talks in New Zealand
An international network of critics was gearing up Monday for more than a week of events opposing the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade talks as delegates from the 11 participating nations began the 15th round of negotiations behind closed doors in New Zealand.
One million to stop the corporate death star
722,655 have signed this petition against the TPP. Help us get to 1,000,000.
Obama visit: Activists take TPP protest to airport
Activists from 14 non-governmental organisations and consumer advocacy groups gathered outside Don Mueang airport yesterday to protest against the US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade agreement (TPP).
Open letter to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra
Civil society groups urge Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to suspend any announcement to enter into negotiations towards the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) until there has been a comprehensive, clear and thorough study of both positive and negative consequences, and all steps have been taken to comply strictly with the Constitution, including an urgent consultation with the people.
FTA: the Colombian road map does not respect EP conditions
Open letter to the European Parliament from the Interantional Federation for Human Right