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India, US will complete a quick trade deal in a couple of calls, says Commerce Minister Goyal
Piyush Goyal says India and the US will go for a preferential trade agreement first on 50-100 goods and services, followed by a larger free trade agreement.
First bilateral trade agreement signed between EU and China
The first significant bilateral trade agreement has been signed between the European Union (EU) and China this morning, Monday, July 20.
India-US FTA on the cards preceded by limited trade deal, informs Commerce Ministry
India and the US are close to concluding an initial limited trade package followed by a possible bilateral free trade agreement (FTA).
Creating a feminist alliance for trade justice
Trade liberalisation is incompatible with women’s human rights and gender equality when corporations exploit women’s cheap labour as a source of comparative advantage.
No more EFTA power play against the South!
Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway are undermining farmers’ rights to seeds in the countries of the global South
Swiss supermarkets ban produce from occupied Western Sahara
The Swiss Federal Council stated on several occasions that it did not consider its free trade agreement with Morocco to apply to the large part of Western Sahara that is under Moroccan occupation.
’New economic chapter’ as Indonesia free-trade agreement begins
Australia’s new free-trade agreement with Indonesia, the world’s fourth largest country, officially began on Sunday.
EU-Mercosur deal will have devastating impact on climate, NGOs warn
While the agreement still has to be approved by the European Parliament and Council, farmers and environmental NGOs remain disappointed.
UK-US trade: New body to advise on welfare and competition in farming
Farmers have welcomed plans for a new body to advise ministers on welfare standards and fair competition in trade deals with the US and other nations.
China delivers further tariff slap to Aussie grains sector
The China - Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) has not been enough to protect Australia’s grains industry from China raising import tariffs on barley and sorghum.
Kenya seeks to shield key state firms in US deal
Kenya is keen on protecting key economic sectors and several strategic state-owned enterprises from the Free Trade Agreement ahead of trade talks with the US slated for July.
Kenya races to safeguard EU market with post-Brexit pact
Kenya has initiated talks with the European Union and the United Kingdom on a post-Brexit trade agreement as the country moves to safeguard its horticultural produce market.
Planting seeds of doubt
As sporadic tensions flare over US-China trade, a fierce debate also continues at home, centred on whether Thailand should join a trade pact touted as creating the third-largest free trade area in the world.
New NAFTA takes effect next month. US is already threatening legal challenges
The new North American trade agreement isn’t even in effect yet and the Trump administration is warning Canada and Mexico they might face legal actions under the pact.
China to step up US agriculture purchases under phase one trade war deal after Hawaii talks, sources say
China pledged to buy US$36.5 billion worth of American agriculture products under the phase one deal, up from US$24 billion in 2017, before the trade war.
US-European trade talks stalled over ‘unsafe’ American food
US trade talks with the European Union and Britain have stalled in part due to suspicions of poor American food standards, Washington’s chief negotiator said.
RCEP will undermine fight against COVID19 pandemic
The 15 governments must consider the adverse impact of the mega FTA and put an end to trade agreements such as RCEP as they only increase protection and power of multinational corporations.
US trade deal ’could pose greatest risk to UK food since BSE crisis’
Consumer group Which? is warning the government not to allow in chlorinated chicken and hormone-fed beef.
Collectively to reject the RCEP negotiations in the middle of a pandemic
Amid the pandemic Covid-19 outbreak with the protocol health of all States, the trade negotiations for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is still ongoing. The Government should use the momentum of the pandemic to assess thorough draft related agreements RCEP.
Call to action! Stop EFTA countries to undermine farmers’ rights to seed in free trade agreements
Sign-on the letter for organisations.