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Steamed-up Parker slams ’derisory’ leaked EU trade offer
The EU exported the equivalent of just under a kilogram of cheese to New Zealand per New Zealander in 2019 and, under the leaked offer, the EU proposes letting in just over 3 grams of New Zealand cheese per EU citizen
US trade deal could cripple agriculture, manufacturing in Kenya
The agreement portends the danger of crippling sectors such as agriculture and manufacturing and disintegration of its economy in Kenya.
Cabinet unrest over U-turn on animal welfare in US trade talks
Leaked letter instructs ministers to have ‘no specific policy’ on the issue.
Government ready to open British markets to chlorinated chicken for US trade deal
The move would represent a significant loosening of the current situation where complying with high European welfare and sanitary standards for food are a requirement across a wide range of foods.
Perils of the US-India free trade agreement for Indian farmers
US-India deal would greatly compromise India’s huge diversity of local seeds and plants which are conserved and reused by millions of Indian farmers year after year. It will also destroy India’s hope for food sovereignty.
China halts some US farm imports, threatening trade deal
Chinese government officials told major state-run agricultural companies to pause purchases of some American farm goods including soybeans as Beijing evaluates the ongoing escalation of tensions with the US over Hong Kong.
Trade war: UK government blasted for ’unacceptable’ aspect of US trade negotiations
The UK Department for International Trade has been blasted for its claims that the UK has enough trading clout to assert itself in US trade talks, amid concerns.
Brexit trade warning: British farmers ‘will go out of business’ under UK-US trade deal
A trade deal with the United States risks jeopardising the livelihoods of farmers in Britain, former environment secretary has warned, predicting many "will go out of business".
The true cost of the EU-Mercosur trade deal
The EU-Mercosur trade deal comes at a tremendous expense for people and the planet. Dire consequences are looming both on regional and global levels.
Farmers urge UK government to protect food standards in post-Brexit trade bill
Union and consumer groups warn post-Brexit trade policy must hold food imports to same standards as UK.
How capitalism and other viruses are ravaging the Global South
The economic hegemony exerted by the trade regime — and related financial structures — mirrors and extends old colonial patterns of exploitation and dispossession. Its policies represent our “normal.”
Revealed: US meat lobby working to ditch chlorinated chicken ban in UK trade talks
A powerful lobby group representing the United States’ largest chicken producers is working to demand that a post-Brexit trade deal eliminates the UK’s ban on chlorinated chicken imports.
Divisions open over ‘lower agriculture standards’ in future US-UK pact
The UK government is preparing to offer increased access to the UK market for US agriculture exports and possibly lower the bar on environmental and health standards.
Ag issues central in US-UK trade talks
US farm groups are looking for big wins as US negotiators push the UK to abandon European barriers to agricultural trade in the countries’ first round of trade talks, according to officials aware of the proceedings.
Indonesian FTA kicks in on July 5
Australia’s free trade agreement with Indonesia as its biggest neighbour will finally kick into gear on July 5.
EVFTA poses challenges to Vietnamese agricultural products
The implementation of the EU - Vietnam FTA deal also poses many challenges to Vietnamese agricultural products. Besides strict standards from the European Union market, competitive pressure in the domestic market is also a big issue.
US-Kenya FTA and the rights to land and food
The US Trade Representative has announced plans to negotiate a free-trade agreement with Kenya. This would be the first free-trade agreement the US has negotiated with an African nation.
Brazil fears agriculture protectionism amid pandemic: draft report
The report urges Brazil to go further in signing more trade agreements, to ensure favorable market access for its farm products.
EU scrutiny of GM food is not negotiable
74 NGOs have written to the EU Commission to demand that genetically modified crops are not pushed onto Europe’s fields and plates as part of a trade deal with the USA.
EU-Mexico trade deal prompts French farming backlash
While the world is busy dealing with the coronavirus health crisis, the European Union and Mexico concluded talks on a new trade pact, provoking strong reactions.