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Canada and Peru conclude negotiations of a Free Trade Agreement
On January 26, 2008, Canada announced that Canada had concluded its negotiations of a free trade agreement with Peru. The Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA) follows the Canada-Peru bilateral investment treaty (called a Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA)) on June 20, 2007. The CPFTA is Canada’s sixth free trade agreement (after the North American Free Trade Agreement, Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement, Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement, Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement and Canada-EFTA Free Trade Agreement)
Peru : FTA wih Canada nearing conclusion
Peru’s Foreign Minister Ms Mercedes Araoz made an announcement to the effect that Peru and Canada were close to concluding negotiations on the Free Trade Agreement.
Canada-Europe free trade touted by Charest
A Canada-Europe free trade agreement is a win-win proposition, Quebec Premier Jean Charest said Friday while dismissing a former senior Canadian trade negotiator’s assertion that a transatlantic accord is "silly" and potentially destructive. Charest, after a meeting with French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, said he wants to get the Canada-Europe free trade ball rolling by striking a Quebec-France labour mobility agreement.
CARICOM/Canada trade talks start next month
The first full round of negotiations on a Canada/ CARICOM Free Trade Agreement is scheduled to get started next month.
Impacting unimpaired
Both TILMA and the SPP have specific aims that go beyond the usual attempt to enshrine investors’ rights and protect corporations from government regulations. Both agreements pave the way for the largest industrial project in history to move forward: a project that calls for the extraction of over 170 billion barrels of recoverable oil from the tar sands of Alberta’s Athabasca, Peace and Cold Lake regions.
Stephen Harper’s bizarre logic of free trade with Colombia
How can Canada denounce human rights abuses in China while turning a blind eye to the mass political murder of trade unionists in Colombia?
Canada announces start of bilateral investment treaty negotiations with Mongolia
On January 9 2008, Canada announced that it will commence negotiations of a bilateral investment treaty with Mongolia. This is good news for Canadian mining companies...
Workers’ rights to be tied to free trade
Free-trade agreements between Canada and countries in Central and South America must be tied to workers’ rights, Labour Minister Jean-Pierre Blackburn said. "We have now an agreement [on labour rights] reached with [Peru and Colombia], but it won’t be made public until there will be a free-trade agreement formally signed by the two countries because there is no labour-rights agreement if there is no free-trade agreement," he said.
Legalizing terror: Canada-Colombia "free trade"
Interview with Manuel Rozenthal, long-time international solidarity activist and surgeon, and member of the Association of Indigenous Councils of Northern Cauca, about the proposed Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement,
US uranium mining company plans poses threat to over one million Canadians
Thanks to politicians corrupted by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), a US mining company is poised to make commercial profit by spreading uranium contamination across eastern Ontario and western Quebec.
Select few see benefits of free trade: report
The Canadian Business Council on National Issues, whose CEOs pushed for free trade with the United States two decades ago, and that remain members of the since-renamed Canadian Council of Chief Executives, have cut jobs since even as their revenues have soared
Free trade with US a boom for elites, a bust for most: report
Canada’s 20-year-old free trade agreement with the United States has not lived up to its billing and the promises of its proponents, says a new report that seeks to debunk the conventional wisdom that the deal was the best thing for Canada since sliced bread.
Colombia thanks Harper for trade deal lobbying
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s role in lobbying the United States Congress to ratify its free trade deal with Colombia has been warmly acknowledged by the Latin American nation’s government amidst mounting opposition to Canada’s efforts to ink an agreement of its own.
Bush and Harper ignore Colombia’s labor rights reality
There is no moral justification for the United States and Canada negotiating a free trade agreement with Colombia when the foundation of these pacts is the slaughter of Colombian unionists. The perpetrators of these crimes should not be rewarded with an agreement that most Colombians do not want.
CLC-KCTU joint statement on Korea-Canada free trade agreements
On the eve of the 12th round of negotiations between Canada and Korea for a trade deal, the Canadian Labour Congress and Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, representing over four million workers in both countries, call on our respective governments to immediately halt these trade talks.
Free trade with Colombia is the wrong deal with the wrong country
Not even the fact that the United Nations has called Colombia the worst humanitarian disaster in the Western hemisphere because of targeted killings of civilians by that country’s security forces that have risen sharply in the last five years, seems to matter as the Canada-Colombia FTA negotiations move forward at break-neck speed.
Ontario, Quebec seal free trade
Quebec Premier Jean Charest and his Ontario counterpart, Premier Dalton McGuinty, announced a plan yesterday to negotiate an interprovincial free-trade agreement.
Canada, South Korea pact not close, Flaherty says
Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said his country and South Korea aren’t close to a free-trade agreement because the Asian nation hasn’t pledged adequate access to its market.
Ford warns Ottawa not to sign with South Korea
Ford may redirect future investment away from Canada if Ottawa concludes a free-trade deal with South Korea that doesn’t open up that country to auto imports, the company’s top Canadian executive said yesterday.
Not the time for a Canada/Colombia trade deal - Colombian bishop
A Methodist Bishop from Colombia says the Canadian government is misguided to argue that a trade deal between Canada and Colombia will help democracy and human rights and bring economic prosperity to his country.