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Canada and Moldova sign agreement to promote foreign investment, trade
The two ministers discussed how the agreement will deepen economic ties and expand investment opportunities for businesses in Canada and Moldova.
Canada wants Pacific trade pact ratified fast amid Trump spat: minister
Canada wants to speed up the ratification of the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact to offset the adverse effects of the trade spat erupting with the United States.
Did Canada buy an oil pipeline in fear of being sued by China?
The logic to Trudeau’s action may lie in an obscure and overlooked 2014 agreement to ensure China got a pipeline built
Free trade accord signed with Canada
Israel and Canada signed a new free trade agreement.
Canada positions itself to soon debut trans-pacific trade bill
The Canadian government could soon introduce a bill to implement the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), possibly as early as June 19.
Updated Canada-Israel trade agreement to give gender rules ’teeth’
Revamped trade pact also includes new provisions for labour standards, environment.
Italian populists post final version of gov’t "contract"
The document opposes international trade treaties such as the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
Pacific Alliance, associate members enter fourth negotiating round, look to clinch deal by July
The four-country Pacific Alliance consists of Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. The coalition aims to achieve the goal, launched nearly a year ago, of conferring a new associate member status to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Singapore.
Canada backs foreign investor rights to protect mining sector: Book
Canada’s controversial mining sector may be the driving force behind the country’s insistence on protecting foreign investors’ rights over laws that guard its own citizens and environmental values.
Ratifying CETA after ’Achmea scandal’ is anti-European
Keeping the European project alive requires EU members to abide by the principle of loyalty to European institutions.
Canada loses bid to overturn NAFTA ruling on rebuffed N.S. quarry
New Jersey company behind quarry proposal in Digby Neck claims damages of $443M US in lost profits.
Drug patent extensions under CETA could cost feds $270M a year: PBO
Extended patent protections under Canada’s free trade deal with the European Union could cost the federal government some $270 million a year, according to a new report by the Parliamentary Budget Officer.
Taiwan pushing for foreign investment agreement with Canada: minister
Minister of Economic Affairs Shen Jong-chin has been pressing his Canadian counterpart on the issue of a bilateral foreign investment agreement.
Three Canadian mining companies lodge ISDS disputes over Colombian mining ban
Colombia’s decision to ban mining activities in the Páramos, a range of environmentally sensitive wetlands that provide approximately 70% of the country’s water supply, has so far led to three treaty-based arbitration cases.
Canadian opposition to Nafta’s chapter 11 gives Trudeau leeway
Dislike of investor-state dispute mechanism appears widespread. Public consultation files detail what Trudeau team was told.
China wants no ’progressive’ elements in any free trade deal with Canada: envoy
China’s ambassador has firmly rejected a key pillar of the Trudeau government’s trade agenda, branding its attempts to entrench labour standards in a free trade pact as a non-starter for his country.
Canada rejects US food packaging proposals in NAFTA talks
Canada’s chief representative stated that the proposals regarding food packaging brought up by the United States are not acceptable to his country, which wants to retain the ability to put warning labels on junk food to combat obesity.
CETA: Secret committee on pesticides meets in Ottawa on March 26–27
Leaked EU documents reveal a secret committee will begin discussions on how to weaken norms on pesticides and food quality standards.
Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA) increased caloric intake in Canada
New study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine indicates these changes corresponded with increased US exports and investment in the Canadian food and beverage sector.
Teamsters raise concerns on Canada-Mercosur trade talks
The union is concerned that the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership could be used as a model for talks with Mercosur.