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Asian regional workshop on bilateral free trade agreements
The Asian Regional Workshop on Bilateral Free Trade Agreements was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 26-28 August 2005. It was organized by the Third World Network and attended by about 120 participants from many Asian countries.
Thai specialists in US for FTA technical talks
On liberalising services and investment, Thailand insists on adopting a "positive list" approach, where only those sectors explicitly outlined in the agreement would be opened. The US insists on a "negative list", under which all sectors are on the table except those listed as sensitive.
Minister Han pledges equal treatment for foreign investors
South Korea will treat foreign and local investors on equal terms, dispelling concerns that the Korean government would get tough on foreign companies and funds operating here by tax audits and regulation changes, according to the nation’s top economic policymaker.
EU asks for Singapore-like tax benefits
The European Union wants India to extend similar capital gains tax benefits to its investments in the country as is given to Singapore.
Free trade agreement: impact in Thailand
This booklet by FTA Watch is aimed at disseminating information to international civil society for the purpose of sharing the analyses and experience of the FTA struggle in Thailand.
Mittal Steel to launch Netherlands vs. Czech Republic arbitration
Netherlands-based Mittal Steel, disqualified from the Vítkovice Steel privatization, says that in late September it will launch international arbitration against the Czech state.
Joint press statement: Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement
On 1 September 2005, Mr. Junichiro Koizumi, Prime Minister of Japan and Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand met in Tokyo to jointly announce that agreement in principle has been reached between the Japanese side and the Thai side on all major elements of the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement, on the basis of a series of negotiations since February 2004.
Myths about bilateral free trade
Of late, there has been an outbreak of activism in the realm of bilateral free trade and investment agreements across the world. Many developing countries have found themselves swept off by the wave of bilateralism, not realizing it only weakens the cause of multilateralism.
Benefits and costs of FTAs
Negotiations on bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) are going on at a blazing speed worldwide. Not much is known on how these talks are going. But they have a lot of effects on local industries and farms, on medicine prices and on what can be included in future development strategies.
Pakistan-US differences over BIT persists
Pakistan has asked the United States to sign the proposed Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) by dropping its demand that in case of an arbitration only the Washington based International Centre for Settlement of Disputes (ICSID) should be approached for a decision.
India adopts ’Look West’ Asia policy
On the lines of its successful "Look East" policy to promote trade and investment with its Asian neighbours, India aims to adopt a similar policy for West Asia, an external affairs ministry official said here Tuesday.
Uruguayan Senate debates US BIT, looks for common Mercosur posture on BITs
The Uruguayan Senate remains deeply divided on whether to move forward with the ratification of a US-Uruguayan Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT).
Botswana forges partnership with Mauritius
Botswana Minister of Trade and Industry, Neo Moroka yesterday signed a bilateral investment treaty on promotion and reciprocal protection on investment with Mauritius envoy, Madan Dulloo.
India’s new investment norm
The tax holiday provided under the India-Singapore agreement, which Indian companies may take advantage of, is part of a trend that will make it increasingly difficult to tax capital in almost any country.
Saudi, Kuwait want India to give ’S’pore treatment’
India’s decision to grant tax sops to Singapore-based FIIs under the comprehensive economic cooperation agreement (CECA) has prompted oil-rich Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to pitch for similar concessions in the double taxation avoidance treaties that are being negotiated with Indian tax authorities.
A toxic trade-off
Pressing for passage of the Central American Free Trade Agreement at a White House news conference in May, President Bush made the case that a vote for CAFTA was a vote for democracy: "By transforming our hemisphere into a powerful free trade area, we will promote democratic governance, human rights and economic liberty for everyone," he said.
Philippines, US trade talks generate positive results
The Philippines-US Trade and Investment Council (TIC) recently held a bilateral consultation. The Philippine panel was informed during the TIC that the US Trade Representative will soon publish the results of a study on the prospects of an ASEAN-US FTA.
Critics urged to look at long-term gains
Foreign direct investment is poised to increase steadily in the near future as a result of new free-trade agreements, according to Somkid Jatusripitak, a deputy prime minister and commerce minister.
Tribunal OKs treaty-shopping for better arbitration options in Gas Natural case
Another international arbitral tribunal has weighed in on the question as to whether “Most-Favored Nation” treatment offers foreign investors access to more favorable dispute resolution options found in other treaties.
NBD outlines major US objectives of FTAs
National Bank of Dubai in a report outlined the US main objectives from regional trade agreements, the Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).