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US presses S. Korea on issues blocking FTA negotiations
The US Trade Representative (USTR), raising doubts about South Korea’s commitment to a bilateral free trade agreement, pressed the Asian trading partner Tuesday to be "unambiguous" in supporting it.
Seoul gingerly courts trade pacts
Seoul is trying to adopt a more flexible approach to deeper international economic ties after the very public and very intense domestic brawl over the ratification of a free trade agreement with Chile.
S. Korea, EFTA initial free trade accord
South Korea and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) initialed a free trade agreement (FTA) on Tuesday, a deal that should give domestic companies a beachhead in the European market, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said.
Significant progress made in Seoul-ASEAN FTA talks
South Korea and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have made substantial progress in their negotiations on a free trade agreement, the Foreign Ministry said Sunday.
Korea-ASEAN FTA talks in final stage
South Korea is expected to conclude free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) within the year as the fifth round of FTA talks between the two sides have shown significant progress, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Sunday.
South Korea, Mexico to push for limited trade talks
South Korea and Mexico have agreed to discuss a limited economic cooperation after failing to open talks on a free trade agreement, Seoul’s presidential office and foreign ministry said on Saturday.
Australia seeks FTA with Korea
Australia is urging South Korea to kick off negotiations for a free trade agreement (FTA) to facilitate a growing bilateral trade in raw materials, agricultural and manufactured goods, according to a senior Australian official.
Canada seeks quicker FTA progress
Canadian and Korean government officials are turning up the heat on ongoing bilateral talks aimed at concluding a free trade agreement.
Minister Han pledges equal treatment for foreign investors
South Korea will treat foreign and local investors on equal terms, dispelling concerns that the Korean government would get tough on foreign companies and funds operating here by tax audits and regulation changes, according to the nation’s top economic policymaker.
US mulling free-trade deals with Egypt, South Korea, Malaysia
The Bush administration said it’s considering separate entreaties from Egypt, Malaysia, South Korea and Switzerland to negotiate free-trade agreements with them.
Mexico: Korea’s most important economic partner in L. America
Last year represented a historic moment in the economic relationship between Latin America and Korea.
Korea seeks detour for FTA with Mexico
South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun’s visit here will likely be a great challenge for the two countries, which are haggling over a free trade agreement (FTA) across the Pacific Ocean.
Conditions ripe for Korea-US FTA
Brisk discussions are underway regarding a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Korea and the United States in both official and non-official ways.
US official criticizes ’screen quota’
The long-standing screen quota issue is a major stumbling block to a comprehensive free trade agreement (FTA) between Korea and the US, according to a senior US government official.
Roh wants APEC to become bloc
Korean President Roh Moo-hyun Tuesday stressed the need for Asian and Pacific Rim countries to pursue economic integration like that of the European Union (EU) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). He said it would be more effective on a long-term basis to build a regional economic bloc, rather than to continue signing bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs).
Mexico FTA Talks Stall
The launch of free trade agreement (FTA) talks between South Korea and Mexico have stalled, on the latter’s request for an additional concession.
Korea-China FTA talks gather steam but a sticky path ahead
As economic interdependence between Korea and China grows significantly, government officials and economists find it more and more necessary to form a free trade agreement to strengthen bilateral economic relations.
S. Korea, Singapore sign FTA
South Korea and Singapore formally signed a free trade agreement (FTA) here Thursday, reported the South Korean Yonhap News Agency.
China expresses interest in FTA with Korea
China, the country’s leading export market, has expressed interest in beginning government-level talks with Korea for an early free-trade agreement.
Korea-Singapore FTA (2005)