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Rafidah: US investors adequately protected
International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said Malaysia’s existing regulations on IP protection provide adequate protection for US investors, helping its negotiation on free trade agreement (FTA) with the US.
Pakistan to sign FTAs with Singapore, China, Malaysia
Pakistan will sign free trade agreements (FTA) with Singapore, China and Malaysia by the end of 2006, the country’s commerce minister said on Tuesday.
FTA stalemate derails plan for Malaysian pact
The standoff between India and the Asean over the proposed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has started rubbing over to India’s bilateral relations with individual Asean members.
The coming free trade shock
If the popular protests that have rocked the World Trade Organisation talks in past years are any indication, there will be much public anger against the free trade agreements (FTA) that are being lined up between economic giants like the US and Japan and developing countries including Malaysia.
Local drug makers may lose out under US FTA
Malaysia’s generic drug manufacturers might find it more difficult to conduct business if the US’ negotiations for a free trade agreement (FTA) are influenced by the strong US pharmaceutical lobby there.
EFTA to pursue FTA with Malaysia
The European Free Trade Association (EFTA), comprising Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, intends to pursue a free trade agreement (FTA) with Malaysia and will decide on it by year-end.
Malaysia to protect sovereign rights in any FTA talks
Malaysia will not sign any agreement that is to its disadvantage. Malaysia suspended FTA talks with New Zealand recently because it did not agree with that country’s requests in the areas of government procurement, environment, manpower and competition policy.
Japan, Malaysia FTA takes effect
A free trade agreement between Japan and Malaysia took effect Thursday, enabling the two countries to scrap tariffs on essentially all industrial goods and most agricultural, forestry and fishery products within 10 years.
Long road towards Malaysia-Sri Lanka FTA
Sri Lanka has proposed a free trade agreement (FTA) or preferential trade pact with Malaysia, but the two countries are a long way towards reaching a final decision, a Sri Lankan corporate leader said.
No Plan Yet For FTA With Malaysia, Says Canada
Canada has no plan to hold talks on free trade agreement (FTA) with Malaysia for the time being due to lack of time, says its high commission’s counsellor and senior trade commissioner, Rene-Francois Desamore.
FMM Supports Malaysia-US FTA
The Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) said the Malaysia-US Free Trade Agreement (MUSFTA) will serve as a mutually beneficial partnership agreement for further collaboration in the goods sector.
FTA With M’sia Will Benefit American Companies, Says US Diplomat
A US-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) will provide a strategic foothold for US companies in Malaysia’s growing high technology, telecommunications and financial services sectors, says a US diplomat.
Malaysian garment firms looking forward to FTA with US
Malaysia’s textile and garment industry is looking forward to a US-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) to help boost exports.
US-Malaysia FTA talks expected to be wrapped up by year-end
The ongoing Malaysia-US free trade agreement (FTA) talks can be concluded within the schedule of meetings lined up till the end of the year, says Howard F. Rosen, the executive director of the US-based non-governmental organisation (NGO) Trade Adjustment Assistance Coalition.
M’sia-US FTA Likely To Be Signed, Says NGO Official
Malaysia and the United States would not have entered into any free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations if there is no likelihood of the agreement being concluded, says Howard Rosen, executive director of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Coalition, a non-governmental organisation.
Malaysia to ensure safeguards in FTA talks with US: Rafidah
Malaysia will protect its interests when negotiating a free trade agreement (FTA) with the US, Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz says.
AMCHAM Malaysia/US Chamber of Commerce public submission for the proposed US-Malaysia free trade agreement
A 98-page outline of US industry recommendations for the proposed US-Malaysia FTA.
BIO letter to USTR on US-Malaysia FTA
Letter from the US Biotechnology Industry Organisation to the US Trade Representative on intellectual property, GM labelling, biosafety, GM contamination and other issues BIO wants addressed under the US-Malaysia FTA talks.
Malaysia and America as free trade partners?
The American-backed FTA is certainly not designed to serve the interest of ordinary Malaysian or American workers (it may well lead to the practice of dumping and out-sourcing instead), but it will invariably open up the Malaysian economy to the rigours and discipline of the global market.
US expects Malaysia FTA talks to conclude by year-end
The US is pleased with the progress of the first round of the US-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations, and expects it to conclude by the end of the year, after four more rounds.