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US reject 4+1 agreement with Mercosur
United States is not interested in reaching an agreement with Mercosur and prefers to concentrate in the Free Trade Association of the Americas, FTAA, said Peter Allgeier Washington’s Trade Representative.
Sub-region integration a challenge to FTAA
The fifth annual World Social Forum will take place Jan. 26-31 in the southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre amidst an upsurge in Latin American sub-regional integration efforts, bolstered by the obvious failure of the project to create the hemisphere-wide Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).
Labour: The spread of bilateral trade agreements
This report looks at major Customs Unions, Free Trade Areas, and economic association agreements around the world, with particular attention to any clauses covering social issues, core labour standards and trade union participation.
Roh, Lula agree to launch study into Korea-Mercosur FTA
South Korea and Brazil have agreed to launch a joint feasibility study into signing a Free Trade Agreement between South Korea and the South American common market of Mercosur.
EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement: Profits for a few, threats for the majority of our people
Declaration from the Social Movements and Civil Society organisationss from the Mercosu
EU-Mercosur free trade agreement: Profits for a few - threats for the majority of our people
While negotiations for a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) remain on hold in relation to the US elections, the governments of the Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) are hastily negotiating a free trade agreement (FTA) with the EU that is also harmful for the region.
EU, Mercosur fail to reach agreement
Talks between the European Union and the four-nation South American Mercosur trade bloc, aimed at building the world’s largest free-trade area, will be extended into 2005
Mercosur and Andean Community sign free trade pact
South America’s two large trade blocs, the Mercosur and Andean Community of Nations (CAN), have signed an agreement to phase out all import tariffs over the next 15 years, with a view towards eventually creating an immense free trade zone in the region.
EU-Mercosur resume trade talks in Lisbon
The European Union and Mercosur will resume trade negotiations today and decide whether the association agreement — an “utmost geo-strategic and commercial interest” for Brussels — can be reached before November 1 when a new team of European Commissioners takes over in Brussels.
Bilateral & regional negotiations on agriculture: competitive liberalization or protectionist confusion?
Synoptic review of what is happening with US trade talks on agriculture, outside the WTO
Alert from Via Campesina Brazil on EU-Mercosur negotiations
From September 20th to 24th the negotiators for Mercosul [Mercado Común del Sur] met in Brussels. Among them were the negotiators from Brazil and the European Union to make bids on tariffs and integration processes.
Deadline for Mercosur-EU talks jeopardised
No one is admitting it publicly, but there is now little doubt that nine years of negotiations to reach a free trade agreement between South America’s Mercosur trade bloc and the European Union have failed, without even leaving any real hope for the coming year.
EU-Mercosur: EU presents completed offer to Mercosur
In the on-going negotiations for an EU-Mercosur Association Agreement, the EU has today sent Mercosur a completed offer.
South Korea seeking trade agreement with Mercosur
South Korean President Roh Moo-Hyun will meet with Latin American leaders next months to seeka free trade agreement, local press reported Tuesday.
Brazilian minister: no Mercosur-EU FTA before Oct. 31
Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim said Monday that differences over agriculture and other issues had made it impossible for negotiations to be completed over a free trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and the Common Market of the South (Mercosur) by Oct. 31, the original target date.
Enforcement of international trade regimes between the European Union (EU) and the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR)?
Since the end of 1999 the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) and the European Union (EU) have been negotiating a biregional free trade agreement. Apart from the two initial negotiation pillars, “political dialogue” and “cooperation,” the negotiations are about the liberalization of market access.
UE-Mercosur: reinician negociaciones para acuerdo de libre comercio
La Unión Europea y el Mercosur inician hoy en Brasilia el último tramo de negociaciones técnicas con el objetivo de destrabar las diferencias y alcanzar un acuerdo bilateral de libre comercio antes del 30 de octubre, plazo fijado por el cronograma.
EU bilateral trade negotiations: state of play
Overview of Bilateral Negotiations 2004 involving Trade Agreements: State of Play 27 July
FTA With Mercosur group shouldn’t hit domestic veg oil, food industries
Ahead of India preparing to sign a free trade agreement (FTA) with the Mercosur group of countries, the vegetable oil and food industries have cautioned the government to work out the arrangement keeping in mind the interests of domestic industry.
Lamy says EU-Mercosur trade talks in Buenos Aires are crucial
European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy said Tuesday a new round of talks between the European Union and Mercosur in Buenos Aires will be crucial if the negotiations are to be concluded as planned by October.