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EU-Indonesia FTA - draft chapters (EU proposals, Sep 2017)
17 draft chapters, as released by the European Commission
India, European Union may form joint group on FTA
The 14th India-EU Summit aims to deepen the India-EU Strategic Partnership and advance collaboration in priority areas, a Ministry of External Affairs statement said.
Opportunities and benefits of CETA for Canada’s oil and gas exporters
How will CETA benefit Canadian oil and gas product exporters?
EU and Mexico conclude fifth round of trade negotiations with good progress made
In total 21 negotiating groups met, including on trade in goods, services, technical barriers to trade and sustainable development.
Asean revives FTA talks with Europe
A working group representing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) and the European Union (EU) would meet to explore the possibility of having a free trade agreement (FTA) between the two large economic blocs, a top official said.
East Africa: Fate of trade deal expected in Nov
A decision on whether all the East African Community partner states will sign the European Union-EAC Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) will be known in November during the Heads of State Summit.
La filière viande demande l’exclusion totale de la viande bovine de cet accord
Interbev et la FNB s’offusquent de la proposition de la Commission européenne d’octroyer un contingent tarifaire annuel de 70 000 tonnes de viande bovine dans le cadre des négociations commerciales avec les pays du Mercosur.
EU-EAC Economic partnership negotiation underway in Brussels
Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni who is also the current chairman of the East African Community (EAC) arrives in Brussels, Belgium with a delegation from the EAC member states to discuss the issue of the Economic Partnership Agreements.
Kenya in last-ditch effort to persuade Tanzania to sign EPA
Kenya will take its case to the European Union in Brussels in a last-ditch effort to garner support for the Economic Partnership Agreement deal.
Riigikogu ratifies EU-Canadian free trade agreement
The Parliament of Estonia ratified the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).
Myths and risks of the EU-Myanmar Investment Protection Agreement
As the signing of the EU-Myanmar Investment Protection Agreement (IPA) draws near, concerns over the secrecy surrounding the agreement’s negotiations and the risks it poses abound, alongside many myths about its potential benefits.
Brexit bonanza: Lawyers encouraging corporations to sue UK & EU member states
Brexit could become a money-making machine for law firms that make millions when corporations sue nation states via trade and investment agreements.
More producers and feedlot operators needed for CETA
The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association says they are looking for producers and feedlot operators to sign up for their beef to be eligible in the E.U. market.
EU-Mercosur trade agreement would harm user rights and the commons
The EU-Mercosur FTA is expansive, addressing trade in industrial and agricultural goods as well as intellectual property provisions such as copyrights and patents.
CETA’s bitter taste for European food and agriculture
CETA stealthily packages several controversial elements that leave a bitter taste for European food and agriculture.
EU court adviser says arbitration clause in investment treaty is legal
An arbitration clause in an investment treaty between the Netherlands and Slovakia does not violate EU law, an adviser to the EU’s top court said.
Canada to model post-Brexit Britain trade on CETA
Canada agreed to use its new free trade agreement with Europe as a template for a pact with Britain after its largest trading partner within the European Union leaves the bloc.
EPA as ‘Enslavement partnership agreement’
Tanzania’s former President has warned Nigeria to resist pressure to sign the Economic Partnership Agreement, (EPA), with the European Union, because according to him, such contracts are counterproductive.
Theresa May heads to Canada to seek trade deal
British prime minister set to hold talks on ‘cementing a strong trade’ partnership with Canada post Brexit.
EU-Japan FTA - EU negotiating mandate (Nov 2012)
As released by the European Council