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North America Free Trade Agreement | US-Mexico-Canada Agreement

ExxonMobil, Canada enter landmark settlement in NAFTA arbitration
As a long-running dispute between Exxon Mobil Corp. and the government of Canada reached a multimillion-dollar settlement, lawyers for ExxonMobil announced.
US energy secretary hopes Mexico, Canada will help export American coal
Canada and Mexico could help export US coal to Asia via USMCA to get around the blocking of shipments by West Coast states, US Energy Secretary said.
Trump’s new trade deal is disastrous for the planet
The deal’s chapter on the environment fails to even mention "climate change." Nor does it include meaningful standards to prevent corporations from dumping toxic pollution in border communities.
The bully in the lunchroom: The US moves to weaken Mexico’s new junk food labeling law
Even though US negotiators were forced by public opposition to remove language explicitly banning front-of-package graphic labels from New NAFTA, other provisions of concern remain in the trade deal.
Trump signs trade deal with Canada and Mexico
President Trump signed the trade deal at the White House, fulfilling a campaign promise to rewrite the North American trade rules.
Canada kicks off USMCA ratification process, urges bi-partisan co-operation
Canada’s minority Liberal government kicked off the ratification process for a new continental trade pact and urged opposition lawmakers to formally approve the deal as quickly as possible.
The US drops ISDS
The US government used to be the chief proponent of strong investor protection clauses in international trade deals. No longer. What happened?
After China trade deal, Europe and UK next on Trump’s to-do list
US President Donald Trump vowed to rip up international trade deals and rebalance America’s global trade relationships.
Claims that the ‘NAFTA 2’ agreement is better are a macabre joke
The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), or NAFTA 2, isn’t substantially different and remains a document of corporate domination.
With passage of NAFTA 2.0, Congress boosts fossil fuel polluters, particularly in Mexico
NAFTA 2.0 cleared another hurdle as the U.S. Senate approved the trade deal with bipartisan support.
Senate passes new North American trade deal, sending it to Trump
The chamber overwhelmingly voted to pass the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement after most Democrats got on board.
Bernie is right: Trade is a climate issue
Trade deals have been huge drivers of climate change. NAFTA, for instance, incentivized the expansion of industries with high carbon footprints.
Big Pharma looks to stem losses after trade deal defeat
The industry is working to get US senators on record in support of including the protections it lost in NAFTA 2.0 in future trade agreements with other countries.
What the amendments to the USMCA mean for Canadian IP law
Many requirements of the original USMCA have already been met by recent changes in Canadian IP legislation, but more amendments will be required to implement the USMCA.
Neoliberalism and the end of politics
Understanding power is more important to predicting the winners and losers of neoliberal economic policies than knowing the economics.
House passage of USMCA marks major shift away from free-trade policies
The US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the new North American trade deal.
Mexicans are dubious Trump’s trade deal will boost their wages
On paper, Mexican workers should be big winners from the new Nafta. They’re not holding their breath.
New Nafta teed up by US House Committee for floor vote
The trade accord to revamp Nafta cleared the Ways and Means Committee, sending the measure to the full House.
Mexico, US seek to dispel tension over labor tweak to trade deal
Mexico said it was satisfied by US assurances it was not sending inspectors.
Mexico objects to labor enforcement provision in North American trade deal
An annex for the implementation of the treaty, the result of political decisions by Congress and the Administration in the United States, was not consulted with Mexico, said Mexico’s deputy foreign minister.