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Compared to its neighbours in Southeast Asia, Malaysia was late to get on the FTA train. But now it does not want to be left out of the major deals, it seems.

Malaysia signed its first FTAs with Japan in 2005. In 2007, it signed with Pakistan. It also has FTAs with Chile (2010) , India (2011) and New Zealand (2009), It has been in FTA talks with the US, but these have effectively been shelves since 2009. It is in negotiations with Australia, and may commence negotiations with the GCC and EFTA.

As member of ASEAN, it is also party to the agreements with China, India, Korea and Japan, and the negotiations with Australia/New Zealand and the EU.

last update: May 2012
Photo: MTUC

South Korea important in free trade nexus
After the deadlocks on the Asean-European Union and Malaysia-United States free trade agreements, Malaysia switched its earlier stance.
Malaysia hopes to sign several FTAs by end-2012
Malaysia is actively participating in free trade agreement negotiations and is optimistic of signing several FTAs by end-2012, says International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.
FTA will make foreigners overly powerful
Foreign investors can bypass local laws and punish the government if the latter stops them from making profits under a FTA, says DAP’s Charles Santiago.
M’sia looks to sign FTA with European Free Trade Association
The Government is doing feasibility studies to see whether it could embark on a free trade agreement (FTA) with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) by mid next year, said International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.
Price of medicines may sky-rocket with FTA
The price of medicine might be out of reach for most people if Malaysia inks an understanding with the European Union on the Free Trade Agreement.
Trade talks need balanced inputs
The fate of the multilateral Doha Round talks to come up with an outline agreement for the World Trade Organisation (WTO) by July rests in the hands of both developed and developing economies, said European Union Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht.
India: FTA will boost Malaysia palm oil sector
Next week’s free trade agreement (FTA) signing between Malaysia and India will be a further boost for the country’s palm oil sector and Sabah, in particular, stands to benefit.
Malaysia and Gulf nations boost ties towards FTA
Malaysia and the Gulf Cooperation Council signed a landmark framework agreement to boost economic, commercial, investment and technical cooperation between them.
Trade pact with Gulf Cooperation Council on the cards
The framework of the cooperation agreement between Malaysia and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries has been completed and the next step is to sign the free trade agreement, according to Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.
Put a hold on FTAs unfavourable to us
The Consumers Association of Penang is deeply concerned about the implications FTAs with the US (via the TPP) and the EU might have on various aspects of Malaysia’s development.