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News from the movements

Mobility transition slowed down
The EU-Mercosur agreement and the influence of the automotive industry.
From solar dream to legal nightmare
How financial investors, law firms and arbitrators are profiting from the investment arbitration boom in Spain.
Why is the agriculture sector against RCEP?
The current Senate should defer further action on RCEP. President-elect Bongbong Marcos and the incoming Congress can then review the agreement and craft the country’s trade policy, consistent with an overall plan for the revitalization and competitiveness of Philippine agriculture.
Social movement reflections on FTAs in the new Chilean constitution
Interview with Chilean activist Lucía Sepúlveda Ruiz.
It’s Africa vs African Union
When the African Union rallies behind industry to regulate a sector that affects livelihood of 33 million smallholder farmers, we should shout from the rooftops
Statement: International Civil Society reactions to announcement of IPEF member Countries
Academics and representatives of CSOs in IPEF member countries, reflect a shared demand for any Indo-Pacific discussions to advance a genuine alternative to the failed 20th century free trade model, which has undermined governments’ ability to regulate Big Tech and other large corporations.
Scramble for Africa: A campaign primer on the African continental free trade area agreement
Africa is one of the richest continents in the world in terms of land and natural resources, but its people are the poorest. The region is home to about 70% of the world’s poor.
UK-wide protests over £11bn legal threat to climate goals
UK government urged to exit controversial Energy Charter Treaty, dubbed ‘the fossil fuel industry’s secret weapon’.
Canadian mining companies keep targeting developing countries in dispute settlements
Canadian mining companies continue to sue developing countries for environmental policies that affect their profitability and often win huge payouts from these poorer countries, a new report states.
Overselling EU trade deals: new study uncovers failures of sustainability impact assessments
The European Commission uses flawed and tardy sustainability impact assessments as a fig leaf for environmentally, socially and economically damaging EU trade agreements, according to a new study.
How treaties protecting fossil fuel investors could jeopardize global efforts to save the climate – and cost countries billions
We estimate that countries would face up to $340 billion in legal and financial risks for canceling fossil fuel projects that are subject to treaties with ISDS clauses.
Honduran government repeals ZEDEs law amid warnings of free trade agreement rights and arbitration
The ZEDEs are free from import and export taxes, but could set up their own internal forms of government, as well as courts, security forces, schools and even social security systems.
Farmer union rep vows Indian people will resist FTAs
Interview with Vijoo Krishnan, joint secretary of All India Kisan Sabha (or All India Peasants Union) regarding current India FTAs negotiations.
Policy brief on digital trade
The “digital trade agenda” would see the ability of governments to regulate big tech in the public interest severely curtailed.
Climate change expert report warns that ISDS can block climate action
For the first time, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned that climate action is being jeopardised by trade agreements which give global corporations the right to sue governments.
Negotiations to begin on US Indo-Pacific trade pact, but more details needed
It remains unclear as to whether the agreement will be legally binding, whether it will contain dispute resolution mechanisms, and whether it will be an ‘all in’ agreement or allow parties to choose what they sign up to.
‘Renewable’ energy in Tunisia: an unjust transition
Following the principles set out in the ECT, the EU is seeking to deepen liberalization in order to standardize the Tunisian legislative framework through FTA negotiations.
The conflict between traditional miners in Marmato and Canadian transnational mining companies: Another ISDS dispute over natural resources in Colombia
In Marmato, the foreign investment promotion and protection system facilitated the transformation of the traditional small-scale mining regime into a transnational large-scale mining regime.
The powers pushing for a planet-wrecking trade deal
This report exposes the corporations most eagerly and successfully lobbying for the EU-Mercosur trade deal – a deal designed to increase profits at the expense of climate, biodiversity, health and indigenous rights.
Carlos Vicente: A “man-tree”
GRAIN and are heartbroken to announce the passing of our brother, comrade and colleague, Carlos Vicente.