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East Africa: region’s exports to EU face tough conditions
Mistrust has emerged among the East African Community partner states over Tanzania’s commitment to the Economic Partnership Agreement that would give the region’s goods duty-free access to European markets.
APE Afrique centrale : l’Union européenne joue la montre
L’Union sait que le temps est son meilleur allié pour imposer à l’Afrique centrale son APE bilatéral avec le Cameroun comme base des négociations.
Mali : commerce et industrie: les mesures de défenses commerciales au centre des débats
Un atelier de formation à Bamako pour combattre des politiques commerciales agressives des entreprises à la recherche de marchés d’exportation
L’Europe impose à l’Afrique un traité pire que le TAFTA….
L’Union européenne qui a signé avec seize pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest un accord dit de partenariat économique. Un appel est lancé pour appeler les élus européens à ne pas ratifier cet accord.
Inequality and injustices of EPAs under fire
The countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific are not on equal footing with the European Union, and as such Sir Ronald Sanders is asserting that instead of calling for reciprocity, proportionality should be a principle embedded in the Economic Partnership Agreements.
Nigeria to lose $1.3trn on EPA agreement
Stakeholders have warned the Federal Government against signing the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and European Union (EU), noting that Nigeria risks loosing about $1.3 trillion revenue if it signs the agreement.
SADC, EU inch closer to ratifying EPA agreement
The European Union and Southern African Development Community are on the verge of finalising the signing of an Economic Partnership Agreement.
Abuja to host conference on economic partnership between ECOWAS, EU
An international conference designed to take a critical appraisal of the proposed Economic Partnership Agreement between Economic Community of West African States and the European Union will take place in Abuja between July 28 and 29 2015.
Botswana, EU discuss EPA negotiations progress
Botswana Minister of Trade and Industry Vincent Seretse has met with European Union Trade Commissioner Cecilia Mamstrom in Gaborone to discuss the finalisation of Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) negotiations between the EU and the Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Joint ACP-EU meeting ends
The ACP Parliamentary Assembly called for a joint Pacific European Commission Ministerial meeting to address the remaining contentious issues and to work constructively to conclude a development friendly comprehensive EPA by December 31, 2015.
ACP calls EU’s EPA deferral unacceptable
The organisation of African, Carribean and Pacific countries says the European Union’s decision to defer negotiations for an Economic Partnership Agreement with the Pacific states is unacceptable.
EU committment to Pacific trade despite EPA stall
The European Union’s ambassador to the Pacific says the EU is still committed to trade relations with the Pacific, despite stalled negotiations for an Economic Partnership Agreement.
ECOWAS ministers dialogue on EPAs, common external tariff in Accra
The 74th Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers for sub-regional bloc, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), opened here on Friday to discuss among other things the memorandum relating the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) .
Pacific: EU proposes to stop EPA negotiations for 3 years
The European Union have proposed a 3 year pause in negotiations on the Economic Partnership Agreement, according to Fiji media.
Namibia, EU ready to sign EPA
The European Union and Namibia have wrapped up negotiations for the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), and are expected to sign the agreement later this year as the EU builds on its involvement with Namibia.
Exploring the state of Kenya-EU trade relations
Christophe de Vroey, EU trade and communication counsellor, is interviewed by CNBC Africa on what has changed for Kenya’s horticulture sector since the economic partnership agreement.
Experts concerned about impact of Economic Partnership Agreement on Ghana’s economy
The President of the Ghana Chamber of Commerce and Industry says it was not right for Ghana to have signed the agreement.
Gambia: Stakeholders discuss impact of EPA
The Gambia, one of 5 West African countries which have not yet signed the EU EPA, is sensitising people about the consequences.
Barbados: EPA not at full potential
More than six years after the signing of a controversial Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and CARIFORUM, Barbados and other participating countries are “struggling” to make it work.
Nants carpets Ecowas for signing EPA
The National Association of Nigerian Traders (Nants), on behalf of civil society groups and private sector organisations in the sub-region, has blasted leaders of the Economic Community for West African States for secretly signing the Economic Partnership Agreement with the EU.