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Suing the state: hidden rules within the EU-US trade deal
This film presents some of the dangers of the investor rights within the proposed EU-US trade deal.
Why is TTIP more than a trade agreement?
EU and US are currently negotiating a trade and investment agreement. How will this deal affect people from both regions and around the world? See reflections from EU and US activists who gathered to discuss about the impacts and possible solutions.
TRADE PACT SIEGE: Student leaders host talk on protest on Reddit site
Student leaders of the Sunflower movement yesterday hosted a question-and-answer session on the US-based community platform Reddit to answer questions from around the world about their protest, in another effort to use their expertise in social networking technology to communicate with the outside world.
The secret deal that threatens the food on your plate
Untangling the EU-US trade talks : What are the big concerns for food & farming? What might be the consequences for our food and farming? Friends of the Earth Europe and Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy hosted a discussion in Brussels on 13 March 2014.
NZ actors to rally against secretive TPPA
Equity New Zealand will join unions, community organisations, academics, creatives and students in co-sponsoring the national Day of Action to stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement this Saturday, 29 March.
Obama is negotiating an agreement that could unleash fracking around the world. See how.
The translantic trade agreement would undermine hard-fought regulations and open up a large part of the world to greater exploitation without regulation. Fracking would go global.
TTIP: American business confident no issue can derail talks, says AmCham EU
In an exclusive interview with viEUws, Susan Danger, Managing Director of the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU, talks to Lénaïc Vaudin d’Imécourt, viEUws Trade Editor, about the TTIP negotiations.
What is TTIP?
The US and Europe are currently negotiating TTIP, with little media scrutiny and without public participation.
65,000 protest TPP in Mexico, see repeat of NAFTA mistakes
Farmers, union, environmental and women’s activists gathered in Mexico City last week to take stock of the lessons from NAFTA and plan strategies to confront the next big threat: the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).
German public TV videos on TTIP - now in EN
CEO has put English subtitles to two excellent media reports on TTIP that were shown on German public TV in the previous months.
Is the TPP dead?
An interview with Kevin Zeese, organizer with Flush the TPP and Popular Resistance.
China, US investment talks enter ‘substantive period’
The 11th round of Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) talks between the world’s two largest economies, China and the US, wrapped up in Shanghai on Wednesday.
Explaining ISDS
A five-minute video from FTA Watch (Thailand)
National farmers and social strike gets seeds control law 970 suspended
In Colombia after 21 days of a nationwide strike by thousands of farmers, blocking more than 40 roads nationwide, protesting farmers forced the Colombian government to negotiate the rejection of a farm bill and the release of detained protesters. Report from Real News Network.
EU’s Everything But Arms initiative is impoverishing Cambodian farmers
An EU trade initiative intended to reduce poverty in the world’s poorest countries has driven thousands of Cambodian farming families into destitution and led to serious human rights violations, Inclusive Development International (IDI) and Equitable Cambodia and said in a report released Monday.
AFL-CIO to fight "trade" deals like TPP
This week’s AFL-CIO convention passed a resolution vowing to fight any trade agreement that promotes the rise in corporate power at the expense of working people.
Kevin Rudd ’risks foreign investment’
Business has warned that Kevin Rudd’s populist rhetoric on foreign ownership could undermine Australia’s ability to secure free-trade agreements with key Asian trading partners and risks foreign investment that is crucial as the economy slows.
Why ’free trade’ hits Pacific people (PMC)
For Gary Juffa — the Governor of Papua New Guinea’s Oro province and one of the region’s most outspoken critics of free trade — neoliberalism is a hard pill to swallow.
’970’ asks why Colombia is confiscating farmers’ rice and dumping it in the garbage
In the midst of a nationwide agrarian strike, a documentary about a new law criminalizing farmers for the centuries old practice of saving the best seeds and using them for the next crop is igniting debate about the treatment of the country’s farmers.
Colombia farmers’ strikes spread to cities
Nationwide agricultural strikes are continuing in Colombia after more than a week of ongoing roadblocks, marches and clashes with the police.